HealthFile LIVE!

Using HealthFile LIVE!

Getting Started:
HealthFile LIVE! is an online, web-based application to manage your personal health information and medical records. Multiple profiles (people) can be entered, so you can keep the whole family's information in one convenient location. We use secure servers, password protection, and encryption of sensitive data to protect your information and privacy. Access is provided for registered users with an active subscription. Since all data is stored securely online, access is available from any desktop computer browser or mobile device. The software has been streamline and optimized for speed and performance, and to reduce the amount of data that has to be transferred for any screen. This will be a major benefit to mobile users with limited data plans.

If you have the older HealthFile Plus and wish to import your PC data, more information is available on importing.

From the Home screen that lists all personal profiles, the following options are available: Add Profile and More Options. More details about these options are listed below.

You may want to bookmark HealthFile LIVE! and/or the WakefieldSoft LIVE! login page. This will make it easier to access your subscription from your PC or device.

The HealthFile LIVE! link is:
and the WakefieldSoft LIVE! link is:

PC Desktop Icons:
You can add an icon for HealthFile LIVE! to your Windows PC desktop to make it easier to access the software:

  1. Right click on the Windows PC desktop and select New / Shortcut
  2. Enter this link for the location:
  3. Click Next
  4. Enter this for the shortcut name: HealthFile LIVE

Device Icons:
You can add an icon for HealthFile LIVE! to your device main screen to make it easier to access the software.

For iPhone, iPod users:

  1. View any HealthFile LIVE! page on your device
  2. Tap + icon at the bottom of the browser
  3. Tap Add to Home Screen choice
For Android users:
  1. View any HealthFile LIVE! page on your device
  2. Bookmark the HealthFile LIVE! page
  3. Open the browser bookmarks screen
  4. Long-press the bookmark you want
  5. Select Add to Home screen

Add Profile:
Selecting this option from the Home screen will display a blank form for adding a new personal profile. Personal details, general health information, and legal information can be entered. Once the profile is created and saved, it will be listed on the Home screen.

Selecting any profile in the list on the Home screen will display Topics and options for that person.

Personal Info:
Selecting this option will display the personal information for the person. Data can be edited from this screen by selecting the Edit button.

Selecting this option will display a list of insurance companies associated with that person's profile. Insurance records are stored in a master list and linked to any profile. This allows multiple people to be linked to the same insurance policy. Click any insurance in the list to view its details. Click Add New to add a new insurance record.

Selecting this option will display a list of appointments for that person. Select any appointment (provider name) in the list to view details. Click Add New to add a new appointment for that profile.

Blood Pressure:
Selecting this option will display a list of blood pressure data for the person. Select any item in the list to view more details, or select Add New to add a new blood pressure record.

Selecting this option will display a list of weight data for the person. Select any item in the list to view more details, or select Add New to add a new weight record.

Selecting this option will display a list of cholesterol data for the person. Select any item in the list to view more details, or select Add New to add a new cholesterol record.

Selecting this option will display a list of glucose data for the person. Select any item in the list to view more details, or select Add New to add a new glucose record.

Selecting this option will display a list of medications for the person. Select any item in the list to view more details, or select Add New to add a new medication record. Medications can be marked as Active or not.

Selecting this option will display a list of contacts associated with that person's profile. Contacts are stored in a master list and linked to any profile. This allows multiple people to be linked to the same contact. Click any contact in the list to view its details. Click Add New to add a contact record.

Selecting this option will display a list of allergies for the person. Select any item in the list to view more details, or select Add New to add a new allergy record.

Selecting this option will display a list of illnesses for the person. Select any item in the list to view more details, or select Add New to add a new illness record. This topic can be used to store illnesses, conditions, hospitalizations, etc.

Selecting this option will display a list of surgeries for the person. Select any item in the list to view more details, or select Add New to add a new surgery record. This topic can be used to store surgeries, procedures, etc.

Selecting this option will display a list of tests for the person. Select any item in the list to view more details, or select Add New to add a new test record.

Selecting this option will display a list of vaccinations for the person. Select any item in the list to view more details, or select Add New to add a new vaccination record.

Family History:
Selecting this option will display a list of related family members for the person. Select any item in the list to view more details, or select Add New to add a new family history record.

Print Profile:
Selecting this option will display an option screen to configure a printable report. Topics can be enabled or disabled in the report, and a date range can be specified. Also, on a desktop computer, all of the text can be copied from the report view and then pasted into Word or any word processor for further editing. To print a report, select your browser's print function.

Delete Profile:
Selecting this option will ask for confirmation to delete the current person / profile. Not that this cannot be undone and all data from each topic for this person will be deleted.

More Options:
Selecting this option from the Home screen will display additional options for the software. These are described below.

Contact List:
Selecting this option from the More Options screen will display the master list of contacts. These contacts can be associated with any profile. Click any contact in the list to view, edit, or delete the record.

Insurance List:
Selecting this option from the More Options screen will display the master list of insurance companies. These insurance companies can be associated with any profile. Click any insurance name in the list to view, edit, or delete the record.

Location List:
Selecting this option from the More Options screen will display the master list of locations. These locations are listed in the appropriate topic screens in the location dropdown list. Click any location in the list to view, edit, or delete the record.

Pharmacy List:
Selecting this option from the More Options screen will display the master list of pharmacies. These pharmacies are listed in the appropriate topic screens in the pharmacy dropdown list. Click any pharmacy in the list to view, edit, or delete the record.

Provider List:
Selecting this option from the More Options screen will display the master list of providers or physicians. These providers are listed in the appropriate topic screens in the provider dropdown list. Click any provider in the list to view, edit, or delete the record.

Provider Type List:
Selecting this option from the More Options screen will display the master list of provider types or specialties. These types are listed in the provider edit screen as a dropdown list. Click any provider type in the list to view, edit, or delete the record.

Print Master Lists:
Selecting this option from the More Options screen will display an option screen to configure a printable report. Master lists can be enabled or disabled in the report, and a list or detailed report can be selected. Also, on a desktop computer, all of the text can be copied from the report view and then pasted into Word or any word processor for further editing. To print a report, select your browser's print function.

Selecting this option from the More Options screen will display some user preference options, including default glucose units and time zone offset (in hours). The time defaults to the current time for new blood pressure, weight, cholesterol, and glucose entries. The default time is EST. Enter a number in this preference box to adjust the default time for new entries.

Import PC Data:
This feature on the More Options screen allows older PC data from HealthFile Plus 5.5 or newer to be imported into HealthFile LIVE! Click Browse to find the file to be imported. For users with a previous version of HealthFile Plus for the desktop, data files of type *.lxp can be imported.

Previous HealthFile Plus Users -
If you are a previous HealthFile Plus desktop user, you must have version 5.5 or newer on your computer in order to export your data to the *.lxp file format. Follow these steps to export your old data:

Footer Links:
There are two links at the bottom of every page.

My Account:
Use this link to return to the WakefieldSoft LIVE! main account page. You can edit your profile, see the subscriptions you have, and try or buy other products.

This link will log you out of the WakefieldSoft LIVE! system. All cookies will be cleared and you will have to login again with your username and password to access any of the LIVE! products.

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